
  • 学校图书馆通讯




    苍井空数字图书馆: 家庭和学生的快速概述
    我们的五至十二年区数码图书馆是什么? Sora is our district-wide independent reading digital library for all Y5-12 grade students. It contains ebooks and audiobooks that can be borrowed by AAPS users. 学生 may also have a title assigned to them for their curricular needs.
    我如何访问和使用Sora? Any AAPS student or staff member can access Sora using their AAPS Google login. 小学 students receive instruction on how to access and use Sora from their school librarian. Secondary students may receive this instruction from their school librarian or from their English teacher. Below are ways to access Sora (depending on your district device):

    • 转到Clever
    • Go to the Sora Schoology app on the left-hand menu of any Schoology Course
    • Go to the 谷歌应用程序 waffle in any Chrome tab and scroll down
    • 下载免费的应用程序到您的手机或平板电脑

    How many books can students and staff borrow in Sora? A所有学生和教职员工都可以借两张 电子书/有声书. If users connect their account to the public library, they can borrow another 15 titles!
    为什么在借书之前先试看一下? Please sample a book before choosing to borrow it. Users can sample as many books or audiobooks as they like! Sampling does not impact the book borrowing limit. It also preserves checkouts for a specific book for students that really want to read it.
    贷款或借款期限是多长? 投注网站 Sora books are checked out for 28 days. They are automatically returned at the end of that time. A book can be renewed within 3 days of its due date unless there is a hold on the book. Then a user will need to place a hold and get back in line to borrow it out again. 大多数书可以提前归还. All Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (through the Ann Arbor District Library) books have a 14-day loan period.
    一本书可以被搁置吗? 是的. 用户可以搁置一本书. 当有等待的时候, the user will see a red dot on the notification bell in their Sora portal. Sora does not send emails when a hold is available. Users can borrow the hold when it is available or freeze the hold for seven days. Once available, holds will expire after three days.
    Can someone be prevented from borrowing books in Sora? 是的. If anyone using Sora borrows more than 28 times in a seven-day period, they will be unable to borrow another title for seven days from the moment the user tried to borrow the 29th title. Users prevented from borrowing books in our AAPS Sora collection can still use Sora to borrow eBooks from the public library collection. 
    How do I add the public library’s collection to my AAPS Sora collection? The Ann Arbor District Library and its partners (Midwest Collaborative for Library Services) have generously agreed to allow all AAPS staff and students to add their eBook collection to Sora. 学生 do not need a library card, just an AAPS Google account. They can borrow an additional 15 books at a time, and hundreds of checkouts per seven-day period.
    我可以把一本书发送到我的Kindle吗? 是的. 这是一个 link 指示 on how to send a Sora book to your Kindle.
    并提前 & 和苍井空一起读作品? 是的. Snap and Read 工作s with eBooks that are text files (mostly words) but not with graphic novels and many picture books because they are im年龄 files. 这是一个 link 指示.
    What if a student needs an audiobook as part of their IEP or 504? Contact your building's 特殊教育 team (Reading Specialist, 顾问老师, and/or Building Literacy Expert) to see if the student 有资格访问Bookshare. This is a federally funded program that has special permissions under copyright law to provide access to materials in audio format, which means almost any curriculum can be made available including textbooks.
    当苍井空表现不佳的时候, is there a place to go to see if there are any out年龄s or problems? 是的. 去OverDrive (Sora的母公司) 状态页.
    我在哪里可以得到Sora的一般帮助? 请到Sora Help 网站,或与学校图书管理员联系. 或者访问这个 LiveBinder 资源.


  • 23-24图书馆服务部
    The Future Ready School Librarians of the 投注网站 provide 资源s, 策略, and connections to enable district leaders and librarians to 工作 together to promote and implement innovative learning opportunities for students.


    • Provides materials and programs that embrace a diverse population.
    • Creates a safe, supportive, and respectful environment. 
    • 邀请发现, 学生的协作学习和成就, 员工的合作, 家长的参与.


    • Ensure that students learn the 21st-century skills, 读写能力, 以及帮助他们生存的技术, 工作, 并在不断扩大的数字环境中取得成功.
    • Support district-wide achievement goals through our roles as information specialists, 教师领导者, 教学顾问, 创新者, 合作者, 教育技术专家, 以及教育梦想家. 
    • 确保资源范围广, 技术, and services are readily available and equitably accessible to meet learning and information needs of students and teachers alike. 
    • Collaborate closely with our Instructional 技术 Department.